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Found 4740 results for any of the keywords della pieve. Time 0.011 seconds.
Città della PieveThe red brick city of Città della Pieve, birthplace of Perugino
Palio of Città della Pieve - Palio dei Terzieri of Città della PieveThe Palio dei Terzieri at Città della Pieve is one of the most interesting annual festivals in Umbria, indeed in all of Italy. Not to be missed!
PeruginoPerugino, foremost painter of the Umbrian Renaissance - fiery temperament and lack of religious belief yet painted the tranquil and exquisite Madonnas
Panicale, UmbriaPanicale - the mediaeval walled village of Panicale overlooking Lake Trasimeno in Umbria, Italy
Lake TrasimenoA trip around Lago Trasimeno in Umbria, Italy
Festivals of Umbria - annual events in Umbria, ItalyThe festivals and other events of Umbria are characterised by horseback events, flag throwing, and dressing up in Renaissance or Mediaeval costume
Abbey of St. Cassiano - Abbazia di S. Cassiano near Narni in UmbriaThe fortified Benedictine Abbey of St. Cassiano is beautifully located on Monte Santa Croce, overlooking and controlling the Nera, in Umbria.
SpelloSpello in Umbria, Italy - sights, what to see and do and history of this charming Umbrian town
Perugia, ItalyPerugia - things to see and do at Perugia in Umbria, Italy
OrvietoOrvieto - things to see at Orvieto in Umbria, Italy
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